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Keynote Speaker: Kara Kardell

​Kara has worked in ministry for over 10 years. There is nothing she would rather do than share the teachings of the Church and the love of Christ with others! There was always a call to serve God, so after undergraduate studies, Kara finished a Master’s in Theology from The Augustine Institute.

Kara co-founded the Lay Apostolate “Draw Near” where she, along with her best friend, host a podcast, lead retreats and worship music, and run an online ministry resource. She also co-founded the Non-Profit organization, “Small Ember,” which primarily serves lay people through a residential
apprenticeship program to grow in spiritual, intellectual, pastoral, and human formation; Put simply, Small Ember aims to help others be who God created them to be! 


While Kara has been called through a passion to ministry, her true Vocation is as a wife and mother of 4. 

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Keynote Speaker and Inspirational Music: Sarah Hart

At the intersection of life, faith, and imagination is where Sarah Hart happily resides. Her relatability, her dedication to well-crafted lyric and music, her self-proclaimed “awkward humanness” and her heart for people have all been at the core of her multi-faceted work and life.


Sarah Hart’s enthusiasm about all things creative means that her resume is extensive and varied. A Grammy nominated songwriter/composer, producer, recording artist, author, speaker, workshop educator and worship leader, Sarah brings the joy of her faith into all of her endeavors.


Sarah resides in Nashville, TN with her husband, Kevin. They have two amazing daughters, Rose and Evelyn; and Sarah admits that, of all the varied titles she has held in her life, those of “wife” and “mom” have been her favorite. 


Celebrant: Bishop Joseph Bambera, DD, JCL

Bishop Bambera will celebrate the Mass for Refresh Your Faith: Fifth Annual Catholic Conference for Women.  His homily and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will fill us with our Lord as the perfect preparation to Refresh Your Faith!

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Hostess: Mary Clare Hallman

Mary Clare Hallman began her position as the Diocesan Secretary for Parish Life on Jan. 3, 2022.

She served as Director of Evangelization in the Diocese of Syracuse for eight years. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of California, Irvine, and a master’s degree in theology from Augustine Institute in Denver, Colo.  She brings a fresh joy and enthusiasm to her role.  The Holy Spirit is her guide!



Conference Location:

Marywood University
Nazareth Hall

2300 Adams Avenue

Scranton, PA 18509


For Conference Information Please Call:



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Catholic Women's Conference Mission:
To invigorate and enrich the faith of our sisters in Christ.

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